
the curtains are twitchin'


"Helen of Koi"


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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
02-14-2021, 12:35 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2021, 12:37 PM by Hanako.)

It had been a while since Hanako had been put to work, she felt a little rusty, rough around the edges as she bounced her way east towards Habari territory. As always, poor Toshi had been delegated the role of pack tanuki, his little sides huffing as he struggled to carry the gift wrap she'd spent the past few days putting together. It was nothing fancy, Sirius made it pretty clear he didn't think they deserved the works, just some dried and seasoned Armada speciality meats, along with the serval pelt it was wrapped in. Basic stuff but Hanako was fairly sure it'd do the trick. She'd barely caught a whiff of Habari before, let alone ever met a wolf from there so she couldn't help but wonder what sort of reception she'd receive and whether they'd treat her better than Valhalla and Lirim had. Neither pack had attacked her, or anything like that, so it could be a whole lot worse but Valhalla had been all uptight and snooty and Lirim...well no one had answered her call. So there was that.

Slowing to a walk, Hanako took a moment to take in the tangle of branches in the distance. Come spring the flowers would bloom, filling the region with some much needed colour. For now everything was greyish and dark, the looming shadow of the volcano set a pretty sullen mood. She looked to her companions, Toshi seemed happy to shrug off his load just before the territory line and Ruri was quick to find herself a perch in a nearby tree. This was a routine the trio had been through before, they all knew what to do. Polite and friendly, but confident in their standing. They were of the Armada and that alone warranted a degree of respect in turn.

Tipping her head skywards Hanako announced herself, that she was a wolf of the Armada and she wished to speak to whoever resided at the top of the totem pole, so to say.

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