

Wendigo I


1 Year

All Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3By the skin of my teeth1K
02-14-2021, 12:41 PM (This post was last modified: 02-14-2021, 12:42 PM by Wendigo I.)
Wendigo shook his head in disappointment when Misery mentioned the game would be better with blood. "Awww! You're right," he said sadly. "Blood woulda made it more fun for sure." It was too late now to get any. Mom probably would have been suspicious if he held a cup under breakfast this morning anyway. Ohh! But he had an idea! As Misery started to fill in the hole, Wendigo twisted around and began to pluck chunks of loose fur from his coat and spit them around the edges of the hole. For whatever reason he had a lot of it; may as well put it to good use.

The plucking was over with before Misery finished burying so Wendigo had just enough time to get bored. He inched his paws up through the freshly tossed snow so he could drum on the edge of the hole again. When he realized that hampered the burying he put them down and let out a heavy, snow scattering sigh. Misery was so slow! This was taking forever. He was gonna get old and die for real before this was done.

To pass the time he started biting at the snow whenever it was flung close to his face. "Rawr!" Chomp. "Rawr!" Chomp chomp. "Rawr!" Misery spoke again and Wendigo piped down long enough to listen. "I know, I got this," he crowed between wild bites. "I'll be good and dead, promise!"

Okay finally it was time! Wendigo slumped down and let his eyes roll back in his head with a dramatic "bluuuh" which was definitely the sort of noise a dead thing made as it died. He'd save sticking his tongue out for when their mom was close. Otherwise it might freeze and fall off, which sounded gross!