
the curtains are twitchin'



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
02-14-2021, 04:16 PM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2021, 11:03 AM by Recluse.)

The fact she wasn't totally sure where Wendigo or Kali were... that did not bode well. Her children seemed to have a way of getting themselves into trouble. At first, she had run around like a headless chicken, dashing around to stop her little heirs from maiming themselves on every single thing they seemed to find, but now she was a little more nonplussed, moving with quick efficiency to keep them from taking their own heads off but otherwise no longer running around with the same level of panic.

So when she got herself all ready to go and answer the call, Lilith in her usual spot around her neck, and caught the scents of her two wayward children, and that of smoke she moved at a good clip though did not outright race off to stop her children from lighting themselves on fire. Wendigo in particular seemed to have a sort of proclivity for flame. She'd honestly be surprised if he made it through his first year without burning himself.  

Recluse narrowed her eyes slightly as the small group came into view, the moon high in the sky giving her more than enough light to comfortably see by. She strode confidently over to her son, her daughter's question ringing in her ears. She swiftly pulled the lit stick from her son and smoothly pushed its flaming head into a patch of dirt, twisting to extinguish it. She looked cooly at the woman at her borders then shifted her gaze towards the young boy. "I've told you not to play with fire." She said in her best stern mom voice, though it was undercut slightly by the fond smile that she couldn't keep from her face and the way she gently nudged him, moving to stand between her two children.

Then her attention when to Kali, of her children it seemed her two daughters were the keenest to take after her, she'd caught them mimicking her more than once and she knew this moment would be a teachable one. She looked down at her daughter, giving her a quick lick on her head. "Now dear, remember your manners. We have a visitor to our pack, it's only fair to introduce ourselves first so they know who they're talking to." She looked up at the woman, her face shifting from motherly affection to the face she wore as an alpha, not aggressive but not open and smiling either. "I am Recluse, Seraphim of Habari, these are my children Kali and Wendigo." She gestured to her daughter and son respectively. "What brings you to my borders?"

In truth, Recluse disliked this very much, though she kept her distrust from her expression. The woman bore the scents of the Armada, though she came bearing gifts Recluse did not trust this was a totally friendly visit. Outside of her amicable enough conversation with the warlord's wife she hadn't had any chance to reach out to the Armada itself, too busy setting up her pack so it didn't immediately crumble and then dealing with her pregnancy and children... and it seemed to her they had simply chosen she wasn't worth reaching out to in turn, so no she did not trust this.


Art by MrRendy
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.