
know this life [birth]



4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantValentines 2020Critical Fail!Trick 2019
02-15-2021, 11:35 AM

Poem wasn’t sure how comfortable she would be with her cousin here either, but he needed the experience and that was worth more than a little discomfort at his presence. Poem found it easy to dismiss the thought from her mind, she had Sparhawk here to look over her and keep her focused. He assured her, as he kissed her forehead, that she would be the best mother. She appreciated and loved every moment of his tenderness. She closed her blue and lavender eyes as she reveled in his affection. It wouldn’t be just the two of them for very long. ”You’ll be the best Dad.” Even though he was joking she had to assure him of her feelings. He would be the perfect father to their children.

Their time alone was swiftly cut short as Theory ducked into the den and nearly scared the life out of Sparhawk. Poem giggled softly as she was given herbs by Theory and started to experience another contraction. They were steadily becoming more intense. Sparhawk made himself comfortable behind her, cradling her gently and offering his physical and moral support. She turned to give him one more kiss before doing Theory’s bidding. The herbs were bitter and unpleasant but they’d make the experience smoother.

A strangled cry left her lips as the intensity increased and she could barely acknowledge Lyric as he slipped through the entrance. She pushed into her husband’s side and grit her teeth but he held tightly to her pale paw and she managed through it. She panted slightly as relief flowed through her and she could relax. ”Thank you,” Poem spoke softly as her eyes lifted to each of the healers that would be attending to her.

She wasn’t sure what to expect in how long the experience would be. Everything she heard seemed to depend on the individual pregnancy. She was in luck though, and their very first puppy would arrive not long after everyone was settled and set up. After struggling, pushing, and an inordinate amount of pain their first child entered the world.

Poem cried when she put eyes on her for the first time, she had help cleaning her but she took the majority of the work. Once she was fully revealed Poem thought her heart would burst from her chest. ”Shae. Her name is Shae.” Poem’s voice was broken with the emotions that poured forth, but she saw her mother in this tiny child, and she knew that was her name. She wasn’t done yet though, and another contraction swiftly took the place of her attention as Shae was put to her belly.

The second was born with similar struggle, but Poem was beginning to feel the exertion she was putting into the birth. She did the same with their second daughter, eager to help clean her and see her to her belly. The child looked much like Sparhawk and Poem looked up to her husband, ”What’s her name?” Her voice revealed the exhaustion but they weren’t through yet.

Three more times they repeated the process with Poem growing more tired with each child. The third was another girl, and this one Poem would quietly name. ”Vilanelle.” Despite how tired she was there was a smile on her dark features. The fourth was their very first boy, he looked just like his mother. Poem looked up to Sparhawk sleepily and asked him to name this puppy as well. When she thought that she couldn’t keep going the final struggle was the most difficult. Poem needed much more help with their last tiny daughter but Poem had enough in her to name their final baby. ”Satire.”

Sparhawk -- Poem