
fondue you



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-15-2021, 02:54 PM

Misery was searching for something to interest him along the terrain with limited results.  A few sticks got sniffed at and chewed on for an unusual scent, crevices got his muzzle pushed into them but without much luck.  There had to be something fun to do.  When he heard Wendigo farther off Misery grinned.  Well of course if anyone could find fun it was his brother. Misery picked up his pace into a trot.

The black and pale silver wolf paused before making it all the way when he spotted a bit of movement.  Some sort of snake was crawling super slow and with the awfully strange patterns.  Watching it he spotted a few red splashes on it and caught the scent of its blood.  Something had got to it before Misery.  Misery thanked whatever animal or act of nature had found it first and grabbed its tail, hefting it in the air and trotting along.  Luckily for Misery, it was a ratsnake and one that apparently was hurt enough there was limited fight left in it.  Wait until Wendigo saw what he found!

The snake was forgotten almost immediately when he saw Wendi playing with a red pool of some sort.  He passed right by Kali with just a glance back at her before moving to this red flowing goop.  Kali and her snake could see his new toy, some helpless snake dangling in his mouth.

Trotting up he was about to ask what it was when he remembered he was carrying a snake.  Dropping the creature he placed a paw over its neck, feeling its tail or sides or whatever the rest of it was twisting around behind. “Hey, what's this stuff Wendi?” Then on thought glancing back at Kali, “So, watcha doin? Gonna play with us?”  Misery didn’t know for sure what they were playing yet but with Wendigo things always got fun.

Speech:"Want to play? "