
make a mark, plant a flag



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-15-2021, 04:49 PM

It was into the frightful cold that her journey took her. The fridget wind that tore through her thick coat was terrible. So much so, that she feared for the state of her wonderful tosh. And what a terrible loss it would be for the world if it no longer wiggled its way free and unharmed through it. She was beginning to think she followed the voices of madman, that had whispered of a stunning new sight at the edge of the world. Surely nothing was worth the sensation of her nostrils sticking together, or her claws... so cold they hid, shivering in their sheaths. Her coat was thicker then most. Its texture as luxurious as its colors, plush and deep enough to sink a muzzle into it. Yet, still she felt the bite of the cold and liked it not at all.

Her Kit, Spice, hid herself in as much of the wolfs beck fur as she could manage. Just her little head with its rack of antlers poking out between her ears. Her star-toned face looked about in awe at the white landscape, and the shape of the bridge that slowly began to manifest itself in front of them.

As they approached, a rise in the wind swept through them. Spice ducked her head down so fast her real antlers clattered against Keeties faux ones. The wolf froze in her tracks, tucking her tail around herself as she shivered against the biting brush of elements. When it calmed, she realized a white blob in front of her was no snow-covered bush. It moved. At first, she thought it a polar bear, and contemplated taking it on and stealing its coat (which would likely take so much time her toes would freeze off. If the bear. hadnt chewed then off at that point) a moment later, and she realized it moved with the stride of a wolf.

Huzzah! She perked up immediately. Forcing her froEn ears to rise and her tail to swish. Her frosty rump gave a proud wiggle. No matter how cold she was feeling, she would give and wolf a right snd proper showing. She began to move again, much more quickly this time. Racing haphazardly across the snowy terrain and towards the start of thr Bridge. When her paws touched it, she lost her grip and went skidding. Letting out a breathless (but very cute) noise of surprise as she slid right into the bear-coated wolf. "Oh!" She gasped, about to utter an apology, when his eyes found her. The light blue tone set in a gorgeous deep blue face wiped away all memory of what she had intended to say. Instead, she said once more "oh." But this time the tone was more sultry, almost throaty, if the cold hadn't stolen half its bluster.
