
Special Delivery!




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
02-15-2021, 07:14 PM


Recluse had to admit she had hoped that her relationship with the man wouldn't immediately crumble but she resented the fact he seemed to think she owed him anything. If she hadn't wanted to keep the pregnancy he wouldn't have had any say at all, the fact she had decided to drop off his son for him was more than he would have gotten otherwise. He'd walked into her life for one night and that did not entitle him any further involvement in it as far as she was concerned.

Still, he had accepted the boy and that was enough for her, the woman rose to her paws, a sad smile pulling at her lips as the boy was finally given a name, the first of his siblings to get one, what a lucky boy. She watched Beat carefully in case he tried to stop her as she reached forwards to nose at the child one last time, her heart squeezing, for all her posturing she had loved him, had nursed him... he had been one of her precious gifts when he'd been born, no matter what she felt about keeping him. Some part of her would always wonder what could have been.  "Soul, momma has to go. Your dad will take good care of you in my stead, I know you'll be good for him right? Promise?" The boy nodded, obviously still confused about the situation. "We keep our promises right?" It was a hidden reminder of the promise they'd made earlier. When the boy nodded again she smiled sadly, her expression and voice genuine as she spoke the last words meant for her boy. "I love you." In the end if that's all he remembered of her, then she could be happy with that.

Beat's question hung in the air for a time, she had pulled back, gaze on her son as she thought. She still did not have the heart to abandon the boy, to harm him any further than her abandonment now would... And when she answered it was the truth again: "I don't know." And then she would return to her remaining children, still hidden from the man she knew she had just hurt.

-Exit Recluse-

Art by petitecanine
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.