
Frozen Feet




4 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-15-2021, 08:23 PM
Up close he could see his first assessment had been wrong. The creature was nearly his height and while he'd spied the resemblance to a fox at a distance her features put his first assumption to shame. Aku had never seen anything like her and he wondered whether or not this was a type of face he would grow accustomed to seeing in this land. She looked a bit too...normal was the wrong word, and mundane didn't do her justice, but he wasn't sure how to describe her. She didn't give off the sort of energy he would expect from a spirit. She appeared too...much like him. That was the only way he could justify walking away from the possibility of her being a spirit.

Aku glanced ahead to get a feel for the terrain, noting with resignation that the journey ahead would be quite hard on his feet - and perhaps the rest of him if he had the misfortune of a tumble. So far Boreas was a bit of a challenge. Where were the forests, the rivers? So far he had seen nothing but rock and ice and if that was all there was here it was a bitter land.

He was disappointed to hear she was new to the land as well. There went his chances of a guide. But the promise of a travel companion heartened him. It had been awhile since he'd shared the road with someone. "I would be happy for the company," he said as he started forward again, his eyes darting from the rough terrain ahead to the strange woman as he spoke. "I suppose I am exploring as well as I intend to search every land from shore to shore. Ah, and since we are to be traveling together for a bit I suppose I should introduce myself. I am Aku."