
make a mark, plant a flag



6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
02-15-2021, 08:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-15-2021, 09:46 PM by Sirius.)

Well she liked tangling her limbs with a hot stranger as much as the next person, too much of her was touching the icy bridge. She felt as through if she stayed there for more then a few moments, someone would have to ply her off with her antler rack. One of her forpaws had gotten caught around his, elegant star-blue against alluring slate. Between the two of them, they had a lot of leg. Shivering, cold and a little bruised from her fall, she grinned at him. Oh, what a gentleman. "Love, you can trip me up any time." Being the forward and open wolf she was, she leaned forward. Planting a kiss on his lovely, soft, and frosty cheeks. The lips that landed on his fur happened to have a touch of moisture against them. When she moved to pull away, the sudden resistance snapped her back. Holy hell, this freezing hell hole was a weird place to be in.

As she stared at him with wide eyes over the top of her frozen muzzle, her kit began to move. The little star cat creeped forward, letting out a chirpy 'mrrow' as she unapologetically placed a little paw above the bear-wolfs eye. Pushing against him to leverage herself, she lowered an antler. After a moment and a few kitty growls, she managed to ply the two wolves apart. All up it took only a few awkward minutes, and Keetie was free. She was sure that gorgeous bastard cat was laughing at her.

She liked eye candy and contact as much as the next person, but this was just getting ridiculous. She careful began the process of untangling herself. Well she did so, her dainty little kitten jumped from woman to man, and griped the edge of his bear coat with her teeth, lifting it up at the nape of its neck. With a bit of wiggling she slipped under head first. Moving until every bit of her from whisker to tail, had vanished beneath the thick, warm hide. She eyed the space Spice had vanished enviously as she finally disentangled herself. It was well past time she got her paws under her again.
