



09-15-2013, 10:55 AM

He couldn't help but be glad that the woman had responded in a friendly way. At first she had seemed a bit hostile, which was slightly excepted, but then again all he was doing was trying to help. It was his duty after all, a life long commitment that he had made as a child. He truly believed that he had been sent here by a higher power to help all creatures he possibly could, especially his own kind. He watched her nudge the ivory figure, and she whispered his what he assumed was his name. Isardis huh? He had never heard it before. He was about to start asking questions when the man started to stir.

He took a couple steps back, letting the man have his space. ?who do you think you are? what rights do you have? none! fool!? His ears would fall flat against his skull, and he would momentarily look away. He was so angry, so distressed, and Themisto could only wonder why. It wasn't his place to ask, but merely help and assist to the best of his abilities. "I was given the right by a higher power to help all creatures in need- and you sir, needed some help." His voice was smooth and neutral, he wanted nothing more than to help and avoid conflict. He watched the way the man swiped and coiled like a snake, demanding the attention of the woman. ?eris! help me stand. no, get this stranger away from me. quickly! what foul intentions does he bare?? He took another few steps back, swallowing hard on the lump in his throat. He had a feeling this would end badly. "I bear nothing more than the impulse to help another in need. I can take my leave if miss eris here can handle the rest on her own. I'm sorry if I frightened you sir..." His voice trailed off as he looked back up at her. If she didn't need his help anymore than he would leave, he didn't want any problems for either of them.
