
Hey! No more!



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

6 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Critical Hit!Valentines 2020
02-16-2021, 06:52 PM
Her sub par greeting really subbed salt in the wound of their clear and obvious distance. He felt his eyes water at the cold rejection. He let out a soft, slow, breath. No. Just... no. He wasnt going to get worked up over this again. That didn't help anyone, and was unbecoming of the Armada heir. He could do better then that.
"...Hanako." he said softly, more in greeting this time, as he took a seat. Pacing himself a strangers polite distance between them. His eyes on the ocean, instead of her.

"I realize how much of a fool I made of myself that day. I was an idiot, but I had a lot of self-discovery to get through before I really got why. I was awkward and caught off guard. Well I treasured and adored your friendship, the kiss..." a soft, awkward sigh. God, he was going to make a mess of this again, wasn't be? "I'm not attracted to females, Hana. I'm... I'm gay." There it was, out in the open for her scorn. She was the first person he had admitted it outloud to. "My fathers going to kill me" but that was spoken softly, under his breath, and not to her.

"This cold shoulder.... it hurts. I miss our friendship Hana. I am beyond sorry j can't give you more, I want to, if just for your happiness, because I do have a love for you, Hana. I miss you. Please, can't we be friends? Even if I am.. I'm... gay" he said it as though he thought people would consider the title an insult.