
Nowhere To Turn




2 Years

Christmas 2019
02-17-2021, 12:23 AM

Beat was a father. He was a father and this sweet, innocent boy was his son. It wasn't just something that Recluse was trying to make him believe. Beat felt it in his soul that this pup shared his blood. As quickly as she'd shown up, Recluse had disappeared. Their interaction had ended on a sour note mostly because Beat's mind was reeling with the prospect of being a father. With his mind a'whirl, all diplomacy had gone out the window. He'd spoken his mind and let his thoughts show in his eyes without any consideration to Recluse's side. The man felt a little bad about that, but there wasn't anything he could do about it right this moment. Maybe when she came back... if she came back...

"Alright, Soul," Beat used the boys name along with a gentle touch of his nose atop the pups head.
"Can you walk or do you want me to carry you? We have a little ways to go." So many thoughts bounced off the inside of Beat's skull. It was a good thing that he'd crafted his own den. He no longer stayed with Twig, though his own den was very near hers. He would have to prepare a place for the boy. He would make a point to make things accessible for him since he couldn't see. Food. Water. Bedding. He would teach the boy where everything was so that he could be comfortable as possible. But first... he had to tell Theory and Twig.

As the pair moved off, Beat released a howl, calling Theory and Twig to his location. He would continue to walk to meet them, but there were things that they needed to discuss. He doubted that Theory would deny him his son, but if she did for some reason, the two-toned man was ready to leave Abaven right then and there though he didn't know the first thing about raising a child. Beat would heavily rely on the knowledge of his aunt Twig. She had helped raise him and his brothers, afterall.

"Chatting." & 'Thinking'
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Aunt Twig may enter any of Beat's threads while he is underage.