
Burn Your Kingdom Down


09-15-2013, 04:27 PM

Kalypso rather enjoyed herself as the center of attention. It was a position that she knew well, and accepted. Two pairs of eyes trained on her now, one earthy, the other heavenly. The boy stood upon his rock spilling words he believed would provoke the wolves below him. He had brought a butter knife where he should have brought a dagger. Kalypso remained well away from the boulder, just out of reach of the boy if he decided to back his words up with force. As accomplished as she was, the merle shade was no fool. She knew how to pick a fight, especially when given the underhand.

Your buoyancy ruins your beauty; it matters little how I prefer my men, though I can earnestly declare I prefer my women small? and silent, But I will make an exception for you darling, as you are particularly pretty. She would look particularly splendid upon the shelves of a royal kingdom, a golden trophy, no?

Her stony features were teased into a smile. It was an action that whispered of ghoulish intentions and promised terrible retribution. Wildfire flickered in the woman?s glowing eyes, stoked by a fresh dose of gasoline. The boy spoke from a position of ignorance, but it did not rouse anger in the Darksidy woman. Her lean muscles rolled beneath taut skin as she rested upon her haunches. Even in repose, she was lovely. Kalypso?s thin lips stretched across her features into a wicked smile. Only for a little while, but I do get so bored. Her voice hit the air again, referring to the pedestal upon which he wished to place her. Silence twisted a way into her speech. Kalypso?s presence was foreboding, all-consuming. I would rain hellfire upon your Kingdom, and drown you in the holocaust.

It was every inch a promise, even when said between smiling syllables. The woman was a serpent, and it was important not to mistake her for anything other than that. If Isardis determined that she was to join his cause, he could not be surprised when the knife struck his back. Kalypso remained in her peaceful place on the hard earth of the thicket. A wind blew through the forest and against her fur, whisking her scent into the air. Eyes traced their way to the other man that had stood silently while the pair exchanged words. They made their way across his flesh, examining the suppleness that lay beneath. Perhaps, in a different arrangement, Kalypso would have taken a shine to the man. Perhaps, she still would. . If she can pull her own, I suppose. Quite the romantic you are, Sir Green-Eyes. I would be quite surprised if you?ve ever managed to reproduce.