
Lost & Found




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-17-2021, 03:21 PM
Drachen waited patiently, silently, as the Mikko seemed hesitant to answer his question about the local packs, his dark ears rolling forward as he caught the soft sigh of the other male. Drachen subtly took in the stranger's scent again, the smell of other wolves characteristic of a pack, though faint, clung to his pelt. Why is he so hesitant to mention his pack? Drachen mulled the question over in his mind as the winter breeze danced in his black and tan pelt. Finally Mikko spoke, giving him the barest of information about a pack called Habari that took him in. By the tone Drachen wondered if their situation were, in fact, very similar and Mikko had been helped by this Habari pack much like how he had been helped by the Spirit of Valhalla. Drachen did not press for more information, the tone of the other male giving him the sense that he did not want to talk more about than he already had. In reality, Drachen did not care too much about learning more about the pack than to really get the since of where it was in relation to him. At least not until he had paid ff his debt to Valhalla. "Thank you for the information." he replied genuinely. Even though Mikko didn't give him much information, Drachen saw no reason to be rude about it.

Silence then passed between them and Drachen flicked an ear as he scanned the ruins once more. He wasn't sure what was making the other male so reserved, maybe it was just the man's personality, but Drachen was growing sort of bored and wanted to walk around the ruins more. "So... Do you want to explore these ruins more?" He asked Mikko with a raised tan brow as his dark face returned to the other male. His words were welcoming but his soft spoken tone hinted that if the other male was uncomfortable and wished to leave, then he would take no offense to Mikko's departure. He was perfectly fine with observing the ruins by himself and then moving on with his journey to the west.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated