


02-17-2021, 07:47 PM

As tempting as his proposition had been, Azriel watched as Fel opted to bring herself to her paws and limp into their den with them. He offered her his shoulder for support every step of the way, never impeding or insisting she rely on him. She was far too strong of body, mind, and character to listen to him anyway if he tried. Regardless, the bigger brute escorted the dainty fae all the way back into the warm shelter of their den, not stopping until she had sunk to the bed and curled up. Azriel settled himself carefully down around her, using his larger form to shield her from the unworthy world and keep the frigid cold at bay. Once he heard the deepening of her breath tell him she was far gone into slumber, he peered across the bedding to Sibyl, an uncharacteristically worried expression on his face. Fel had come to them in such a state, and while he was happy to be able to comfort her through the trauma of her brother's death, why had she gotten this far? Why was no one else in her pack tending to her? It baffled and enraged the silver-striped male.

"She's staying with us as long as she needs to... I'm not letting her go back until she's good and ready..." he whispered to his companion, knowing full well she wouldn't try to refute him, but also making his decision resolute. They would care for Fel until she was healthy or stable enough to go back home, whichever came first. Still, Azriel wanted to find whoever was responsible for her wellbeing and the pack, this Aerie, and tear them a new one. How dare they let a creature as rare as Fel get into such a state?! It was enough to make his blood boil, but for the sake of his ladies, Az kept himself reined in, opting instead to be a foundation than a firework right now.

"Speech" | Thoughts