
Feels like home




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
02-17-2021, 11:26 PM

"Aslatiel Fatalis"

Once Naiche left, Aslatiel hadn't been able to stay still for long. Her paws began to itch and she kept thinking of the many things that she could be doing. After walking around the spacious den for a time, the injured Reaper decided that she'd had enough. Out into the world she went. If she couldn't rest, she might as well catch a meal for the new general to be, right? Right.

It didn't take the young wolf long to sniff out her prey. She was lucky to have found a creature like this so far South, but with the winter being as harsh as it was, she couldn't be too surprised. Aslatiel and Ashur the leopard had come across an injured bison yearling. Its leg was snapped and it was dragging the flopping appendage in the snow. It's wails for the rest of the herd were weak. The damn thing was just about dead from pain and exhaustion. Asla walked right up to it and it didn't even react. Shock had set in. So she and her companion quickly dispatched the bison and began dragging it back to the den. Yes... her wounds had split open a bit with the tugging and pulling, but what else was she supposed to do? Let it suffer? No, she had to put it out of its misery. Saint Asla, at your service.

Who knew how long Naiche was going to take? Once the pair had the young bison back at the den, Asla began skinning it with the sharp, special knife that she kept for the task. She made short work of the thickly furred hide and set it aside to tan later on. She then went on to slicing the meat into manageable chunks. Most of the meat she took to the winter food stores, but she kept a haunch for herself and Naiche to feast upon. No doubt he would be hungry and tired when he returned.

Asla hadn't had time to clean herself up before the golden wolf returned and was still spattered with blood and gore when he walked through the door. His words brought a scoff from the girl and she gave her purple eyes a roll. "Hardly," she chuckled, turning to him, a grin on her bloodied face. "I was preparing a meal for you, General." With a wink, she passed him and went outside to clean the blood from her creamy fur.

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