
make a mark, plant a flag



3 Years
Extra large

LegendaryThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2VengeanceUnderachieverScarred
Ice Bridge ExplorerWealthyHomebodyDouble MasterExplorerVolcano
1KTreat 2019
02-18-2021, 08:27 PM

She gave him options, which seemed a touch unfair. Didn't she deserve both? He was quite the catch himself... "Hmmm both?" He pretended to think about it for a second and then added with faux solemnity, "Definitely both."

Keetie took advantage of his movements to weasel her way fully on top of him. That was fine and all, he'd just bury his feet further into her fur and call it even. Tyrian was about to make a comment about how if this was going to go full cowgirl he was going to insist the cat sit outside when the sudden silence outside caught his attention. Anyone who had ever been in a forest when all the insects fell silent would know how he felt. Something was amiss and a pretty girl getting all tangled up in his business wasn't quite enough to deafen him to danger. Yet. If the cat hadn't been there and his odds better....maybe.

His ears rang in the uncomfortable silence and because of this he felt the pounding hooves before he heard them. Still using his inside voice, he murmured, "What the f-" Tyrian lifted the edge of the cape to look out and it was a good thing too as the sudden blast of animals passed them would have yanked it away from him had he not been able to sink his claws into the second he felt it slipping. Dimly he was aware of Keetie's claws in his hide. Inside voice gone, he spit, "Fuck!" In an instant the herd was gone and all Tyrian could do was blink dumbly after them. He relaxed his claws - apparently he'd clenched all of his too, sorry Keetie - and let go of the cape.

“See what chased them or start fleeing?” His head swiveled around so he could look at her. "Flee? No, we explore the fuck out of that." Playfully he kicked at her belly to encourage her to get of of him. "Let's go, princess, time to run into the mouth of danger."
