
Feels like home




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
02-18-2021, 08:39 PM

Asla’s remark on Naiche’s insight got her a flat expression though whether she saw it or not was questionable when she was cleaning her paws and muzzle.  Asla could be nice and understanding on things, she could also be snarky and seek out ways to irritate him.  Why did she like irritating him?  Was it just a thing some girls had fun with?  No, Asla was definitely unique in some areas.

Pan waved hello to Asla, clawed digits moving up and down a little bit, before laying down next to the cat, rolling up partway into a ball, scales sticking out as he made himself somewhat comfortable.  Pan was eyeing that snow leopard’s pelt thoughtfully.  He bet it would feel good curled up next to that cat.  Gingerly Pan unwound himself and attempted to lay against Ashur.  Of course, Naiche would have a pet that enjoyed physical contact even as the wolf had tried to deny his own interest.

The fire in her den was a nice touch and helped fight off the cold waiting outside the den.  His eyes flicked upwards at the pain hiss, twitching a lip, “You know, jokes aside you shouldn’t overdo things too much.  Last thing the pack needs is their reaper hurt so much she can’t help but resting.”
Naiche focused on eating his meat with that and had to admit it was tasty.  Bison.  Bloody hell, she went injured after bison? Was she alone? She had come back in one piece so whatever the situation she’d dealt with it.  The place was comfortable, and Naiche felt himself relaxing more than he would around other wolves or out in the open.  “You seem in better spirits than a few nights back.  Maybe the secret to get past feeling bad is just to go for an all out fight,” Naiche offered up at least slightly joking, slightly serious.  It wasn’t just the fight that had helped him of course, spending time with her also helped.  Easier to put the reason on the fight thought.  

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]