
Feels like home




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
02-18-2021, 10:52 PM

Naiche couldn’t argue about it being hard to sit still.  Most of the time he found it lazy and a good way of growing weak but that didn’t mean it wasn’t still a good idea when you were injured.  Well, depending on severity of the injury and whether it was Naiche or anyone else.  Naiche couldn’t abide staying still either, clearly it didn’t count in regards to him.

Her response to his comment on feeling better had Naiche quickly realize the error of his casual comment.  Crap, he’d hurt her.  Naiche forgot about the small bit of meat remaining as he watched her walk off.  Naiche thought about following right away but instead gave Asla a moment.  He went ahead and finished the meat though it didn’t have much taste to it once his thoughts were centered on trying to fix the damage done with just a few words.  This was exactly why it sometimes paid off to just be quiet.

It was a long period of time, a good two or three minutes before he followed after Asla.  He stepped in quietly, for a moment just looking down at her curled up backside.  If only he could just take back the comment so it didn’t happen.  Naiche sat down next to her then slowly lined himself up and slid down to lay pressed up against her, wrapping his tail around a portion of her body, his head ending up near hers.  It hurt him to know he hurt her and he didn’t like that on more than one level.  “Asla…”

Asla what? Sure, start a sentence about to throw words out when just throwing words out is what caused the problem to begin with.  On top of that words that one part of his mind said might help the other part said no way could he possibly say.  “I’m sorry.” The sincerity was laced in the two words deeply.  With some hesitation, he gave a gentle lick on the side of her muzzle, then laying his head on hers. “I shouldn’t have mentioned it.” Naiche understood being upset over losing a loved one, she really did love Indigo clearly but, he wasn’t dead?  She could still go visit at times so why did it bother her so much?  He wasn’t judging though, just confused.  It hurt her, and for whatever damn reason that hurt him.  “Sometimes I am an idiot," he offered knowing quite well she'd happily agree, at least when she was feeling her normal self.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]