
A Feast of Thanks




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
02-19-2021, 08:40 PM

Ulric glanced toward the entrance again to check for Emile and spotted the tan and white boy heading toward him. A soft smile pulled at his lips as Emile pressed into him and Ulric dipped his head to nuzzle his forehead gently. He knew he needed to be here for them more, to give more attention to his children that were here, but he felt like he couldn't live with himself until he tried every avenue to look for his missing fiancé and daughter. He lifted his head and looked around the room again, looking over Jayne, Fihona, and Ezra where they were scattered around the room among the rest of the pack - or very much off to the side in Ezra's case. They needed him and perhaps this was the perfect reminder of that. He watched Emile go to get his food and then move away to sit by Ezra, bringing another sad smile to his lips.

Resin spoke again and he looked up toward their leader with a touch of surprise and listened as she spoke of family and officially gave a surname to the pups that she and Tamsyn had been raising together - as well as declaring Tamsyn her mate. Ulric gave a more genuine smile to the happy news, though it did hit him with a bit of a bitter sweet twist to his stomach. It reminded him of the wedding that he had promised Azariah that he never actually had a chance to bring to fruition. It had gotten pushed off again and again with him moving them to the Hallows, with the birth of their pups, with all the work that had gone in to getting the pack to where it is now... And now he'd do anything to have her back so he could stop making excuses and bring the wedding they had planned to life.

Pushing the melancholy thoughts to the side he grinned and lifted his head to lead the rest of the pack in a celebratory howl, filling the hall with voices. Bitter sweet for himself or not, it was still a joyous occasion. If nothing else, he could whole heartedly agree that The Hallows were a family. His family. Having a family to rally behind and see strength in was never something he could disagree with so this was as much of a time of love and celebration for them all as it was for Resin and Tamsyn - two wolves that he looked up to and admired more than he could probably ever express.

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