
Late to the Party


02-20-2021, 01:51 AM

”You are welcome to remain by virtue of our relations, I can offer food and shelter but for a limited time.” He nodded, suppressing the urge to let out a sigh of relief. While he felt it shouldn't have been that pressing of a matter to him, at the moment it was. He didn't know where else to go and he was tired from his ordeals and everything else he had endured. Of course, she didn't know all that he'd been through and he did his best to not let those trials show physically. Though under his thick fur and upon his underside, he had many scars. ”Ashen’s borders are full to the brim, however, and I don’t believe your permanent home to be here. I can arrange a meeting with both Ashen’s sister pack, the Armada as well as our cousin Recluse’s pack Habari. Between the two I believe you will find what you seek.” He nodded again as he offered a smile of relief and gratitude. "I understand, Miss Klein Abraxas. I am grateful for opportunity, hm? As I say before, while I am here, I will do services and help with what you need, yes? I will do my best until arrangements are made, whether for Klein or no." She did make it clear she had some sort of disdain for the name before, and he was curious what all had changed since the empire fell. He supposed he could catch up and talk to her about it later.
