
Dragon's Cave of Plots

Something for erryone


02-20-2021, 02:16 AM
(02-17-2021, 01:48 PM)Tanelan Wrote:
Plots as far as I can see

It's tempting to plot with each and every single one of your characters dragon -sobs- I love roleplaying with you and I definitely have the same problem where lack of interaction sometimes makes it hard. I've got a couple idea's in hand and others just small family meetings as I have a few characters related to yours as you know.

Eraithus & Acere

I don't really see any chemistry between the two of these at the time but I thought it would be an opportunity to get in some fight points. Eraithus is always itching for more fight experience and he likes sparring with the wolves here because he finds them interesting. If you'd be up for that we can do that like I said I don't think anything would become of the two of them but surprises happens so who knows.

Eraithus & Blitzkreig

I can see this being something of an interesting interaction to be honest. Eraithus personality kind of depends on who he's around but given Blitz appearance regardless of him being heterosexual or not I see Eraithus flirting with him, resulting in either a fight(depending on how you think Blitz would react) or him just telling Eraithus he isn't interested(Eraithus is respectful so he'd instantly be like a okay.) after that I can see them being potential friends, Eraithus definitely knows where some of the Klein family is being in Habari where Deathbelle is. He could gladly point Blitz in the right direction he needs since Eraithus feels strongly about family.

Eraithus & Snow

I believe Eraithus and Snow have met when snow was younger. Or was that Winter? I can't remember but if you wanted I could throw Eraithus at Snow again. Snow can tell Eraithus(if he's open for it) what's been going on incendium and he could offer a bit of advice and or some comfort. Where it goes from there I'm not sure.

Eraithus & Tel

Eraithus has a major soft spot for pups and he'd be a bit concerned with a thread with a lonely pup and no parents around(Especially out of pack lands) I can see him asking intrusive parent questions that might just make Tel feel sad and slowly realize that she's currently an orphan(Or at least has no idea where her ma is). And he can try to provide some comfort and play to her for the time being.

Borias/Adralius & Blitzkreig

Borias has since been let go from the Armada since Sirius told him to go make his own path and learn his own things. I feel like an interaction with Blitz and Borias would be interesting. Borias is slowly turning back to his selfish ways and is a slave master. Though of course he doesn't look to enslave others he wishes to breed and raise pups into slavery(as his views are that slaves are even a different breed of wolf and many are willing to serve) I can see the two butting heads. Perhaps if the conversation of slavery comes up they can each share their views or something like that. I haven't done much with Borias lately, I wanted to make a band with him but now I'm more open to him joining one more than anything.

Charm Ancora & Claire

What I was waiting for honestly. I feel like meeting Claire would be a good idea for Charm. Considering Charm never did get to say goodbye to her mother even though she had now been aware of Avalon's whereabouts. For Charm meeting her younger sister may be a bit of clarity for her and perhaps she can give Claire some comfort. Not to mention Charm can give her some herbs for depression and maybe share her own experiences with such a thing. Whereever it goes from there is if you want to thread them! But what I'd look for is Charm maybe becoming a regular figure in Claire's life before she passes away, becoming a sense of support and teaching.

Charm & Dragon and/or Drakaina

Regardless of the relationship Charm had when she was younger with Dragon, her family still meant a lot to her and still does now(Seeing as she had a previous mate and a son with a grandpup wandering around). I feel like they should run into each other. I honestly don't know what would happen. As for Drakaina Charm doesn't consider any bad blood between them. A thread where she mentions her father could lead Charm over or Charm could simply be like "Oh I'm your aunt!" and see how that goes. I think Charm also just wants to see most of her living family as they scattered and she didn't get to see Avalon before she passed.

Charm & Okami Ancora

You probably already knew that this was coming but I feel like they need another thread together. I plan on actually having Charm pass away soon (Probably within her 8th year). I want her to have as many moment as she can with her family and Okami was the sister she always looked up to. Now Charm almost considers herself an equal with her skills. Some fun sister bonding time sounds nice. Perhaps a relaxing day in the hot springs to catch up with their lives and share stories.

Pheonix Isokan & Dragon

I'm not sure how Pheonix would act around Dragon to be honest. I know I just want to thread them because they share blood. I don't have Pheonix's personality just quiet fleshed out yet but I'm in the hopes of making a pack with him centered around healing(Secretly posion making). Anywho even if nothing comes of it I'd love to thread them.

Pheonix and Okami

Pheonix is Charm's son, I think meeting Okami would be interesting. Pheonix has always wanted a deeper connection with his family, especially after the death of his mate and son. I don't see him being open to her culture but respectful of it of course. Maybe a spar since Pheonix loves to fight as well as heal.

Tanelan & Ignis

I think we discussed plotting these two before but now I'm coming forward with it. I didn't have much planned for Tan but I can see he and Ignis getting along in a weird "We both have mental illness but don't consider it mental illness" kind of way. I know for a fact Micah might get along with Ignis when he fronts. In fact I know it's a long shot but I propose a romance between the two and seeing how it goes. Regardless I would love for Tanelan to join Incendium and rise in the ranks where he can. Not to mention Slowly uncovering that Tanelan has more than one personality in him. Seeing Ignis and his packmates realize this and seeing either their support or disgust.

I think that's all I have for now, I do also have Seven(Loner masterless slave running around), Elizabeth(Valhalla healer), Kaizer(Weak/ hoping to rejoin the armada but willing to have threads before she goes back to the pack), and Koby(Furtune telling snake) if you want to thread with them I just didn't want to overwhelm you with what I already had.


Yes to all of these! I will get around to making the threads within the next couple of days, and I'll probs toss in extras for the extras you listed ;)