
Kirsong Babies (3 available)



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
02-20-2021, 11:14 AM (This post was last modified: 02-20-2021, 03:56 PM by Nyx.)
You heard it here folks, Kirsi and Song and having kids!
For me, this litter is quite important as Kat's Song comes from two very important family lines (my original roleplay character from early 2000's as well as the Destructions).

Unless something changes, these children will be raised in Incendium as Kirsi wishes for them to grow strong and thrive. She's in the minority in that she doesn't think poorly of Ignis's overtaking of the pack, as she fully understands the desire to achieve power and what must often be sacrificed in the process. There are 3 slots open (I will pay for the pup passes). Kat and I are taking a pair of twins, Pyrite (f) and Bronze (m).

  • Activity: I'm not prone to taking back characters for low activity but I'd like these characters to be posted once a month.

  • Names: I'm personally partial to rock/mineral/gemstone-themed names, but very open here!

  • Alignment: Kirsi and Song both tend toward neutral and will likely raise their kids similarly. Kirsi particularly doesn't have a terribly strong moral compass when it comes to anyone not in her immediate family, and will raise her kids similarly, to firstly look after themselves & each other at all costs.

  • Personality: Lot of freedom here! Kirsi tends to be cold and standoffish and Song has a similar proud, quiet personality. It's unlikely they'd end up with children who are overly happy-go-lucky, or likewise murderers or rapists for no apparent reason, though darker personalities are fine. Kirsi will have zero tolerance for dangerous recklessness in her kids; having lost an entire litter early on in her life she fully intends to keep these kids alive and well.

  • Size: Song is 42" so you will receive a discount on height from him, Kirsi is only 24" so height possibilities definitely can vary here!

  • Skills: Any, but keep in mind that Song is a crafter and would likely teach their kids these ways if they're interested, and they're both fighters!

  • Designs: Feel free to make your own, but here's some available to you. Keep in mind that most of these will cost gems if you choose to apply with them!

  • Code: