
build upon the foundation [Ashen Meeting]



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-21-2021, 02:47 PM

Plague's ears perked with attention when Venom began to speak and he listened attentively to everything that was shared. His emerald gaze strayed for a moment to Toxicity and her children at the congratulations when it was given, smiling softly and giving a small nod of agreement. Despite his own personal turmoil that had stood in the way of him celebrating properly at the ceremony that Toxicity had held for him, he was still happy to see their family growing again. The mention of the raid soured his expression and pulled his gaze back to Venom again. The whole affair hadn't sat well with him from the beginning, not in any small part to his own failure. However, when his sister moved on to promotions and he heard his name called his brows lifted with a slight surprise and he stood at her beckoning, taking a step toward her. A slight grin tugged at his lips at the new title he was given and he gave Venom a thankful dip of his head before returning to his seated position. He still had his sights set higher, but it was a big step in the right direction and as he sat back on his haunches he had a slightly more proud air about him.

He listened as the pups were given their promotion to apprentice and then looked at his sister with a slight curious tilt of his head when she brought up moving on to a more personal topic. When she declared that the orange splattered man at her side would be her mate he wasn't entirely surprised. Though he hadn't gotten the chance to get to know Hattori personally, he had seen all the work the man had put into the pack and how closely the two had been working together. As long as Venom was happy with the decision then he would he happy for her. He smiled softly at the announcement and made a personal note to know Hattori better since he would be a part of their lives more permanently moving forward.

When Hattori mentioned a practice spar he looked to the Shogun with interest again and as soon as the meeting was officially concluded he stood to approach him and express his interest. He would never turn down the chance to get more experience with that form of fighting and there was also a small part of him that wanted a bit of redemption. Or, better yet, more preparation for the real redemption that could only really be gained from fighting with Fireside again.
