
Whats out there?




Beginner Healer (0)

Advanced Intellectual (80)

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-21-2021, 11:45 PM

The badger sure was nice, more so than the last badger he saw, heck it was nicer than his cousin’s friend and you wouldn’t expect a badger to be less grumpy than a dog, right?  His eyes drifted from the badger and up to the dog, “The armada? What makes that special?” Outlaw could be curious about just about anything that was new to him.

“Oh, I was just watching the ocean, dreaming a bit ya know?  Pip is going to see if he can find something fun to bring back, or that’s what I think he’s doing.  You can never tell with seagulls, they talk a lot but only sometimes mean what they say.”  Outlaw wasn’t the best at keeping up with a thread of a conversation, as his mind wandered so did his mouth.  

Did Outlaw need help?  Not really, but it seemed to him this wolf might need a friend.  Some dogs and wolves were funny things, never asking for what they really wanted and denying a need for company.  Uncle Berny had been like that, poor guy but then Outlaw had told some pups and sure enough, all the pups were all over Uncle Bernie.  Though his uncle hadn’t spoken to him for a month, that was probably just because he had all those pups to talk to.

“Well, I guess some company would be nice really?  I love the ocean but ya know, it's never as good alone as it is with company.  Would you like some company?  I could help you with uh, patrolling?  I haven’t really patrolled before.  I make things and I’m working on learning to heal.  See, I’ve never really done much fighting.  I don’t want to hurt anyone.  I’d be happy to just make friends with anyone I meet.  I can still help you look around though if that’s all it takes!”

Speech:"Life is but a game " Think
Unless noted you can assume Outlaw is wearing his hat.  
It's also likely there is a seagull somewhere nearby