
Visiter beyond the wall




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-22-2021, 11:04 AM
The air was still cold as ever, causing his warm breath to cloud from his muzzle with each exhale as he walked along the border of Valhalla. Certainly spring was around the corner, right? Or did the winter here last much longer than his homeland? The male thought about the differences here and his homeland, a small frown pulling on his tan lips as he remarked the fading scent markers as he went. He had finally figured out the star patterns here, somehow the constellations here were flipped than in the sky in compare to his homeland. Perhaps he had floated much, much further on that raft of driftwood than he originally thought. It the end though, didn't matter how far away he was from his original home, he did not miss it nor did he have any desire to return to it. His tan tipped tail flicked as he reared on his back paws to use his front to scratch deep into the bark of a tree, using both a visual and scent marker. He had finally become used to the idea of wolves having armor and using tools, something they did not have back home and it was something he thought was absolutely brilliant and still fascinated him.

His paws crunched in the snow as he continued on his way, stopping for a moment in a beam of sunlight and allowing him a few minutes to allow his black pelt to soak up the warmth. Slowly his frown faded and a small smile pulled at his tan lips. He was happy here, much happier than he had ever been back there. His dark face tilted up to the sun with closed eyes as he sighed a breath. Even if winter lasted eternity and my debt to Aurielle was never ending..... I think I could still be happy here... he found himself thinking. His thoughts were quickly shoved aside as his sensitive ears caught the sound of faint movement in the grass, sounding different than the hoof steps of the local deer. His head lowered as his oceanic blue eyes scanned the area around him while his earthen nose twitched as he drew in the air looking for scents. Ah. There. his eyes narrowed slightly as he picked up the scent of a stranger. Enzi's screech in the trees above directed him towards the source of the disturbance, still on the other side of the border. Would they trespass or would they scent his fresh markers and stop? Drachen remained silent as he stood in plain view as a deterrent, his body tense and ready to move should they step across the border. A small flick of his tail was enough to send Enzi to the sky and circle above, ready to fly and rally the pack should this come to a fight.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated