
Tough Nuts



02-25-2021, 12:55 AM

He was grateful for the shelter that Ashen had offered him while he sorted things out for himself. And in turn, he opted to go and hunt for the pack today. He headed a little further south, following the shores until he reached the briars that lay across the water from the pack. He probably could have swum here, but given that it was winter, he opted for the safer, somewhat warmer route despite it being longer. He was trying to track some prey, though, given the season, he wondered if they had headed further onto the mainland in search of warmer weather or perhaps they went to the other continent he had heard about but had yet to visit. He continued his search, remaining quiet as he put his nose to the ground every so often in an attempt to find a trail.

As he reached the briar, he paused. Ears moving as he tried to pick up the sounds of prey. Straining to listen, it was only a few long moments before he heard rustling in the brambles several feet from him. Lowering his body to the ground, he slunk forward, trying to keep as low to the ground as possible and trying to avoid the bulk of the bramble bushes while he skirted around them, making his own path through the snow. To his luck, he managed to find a hare, nibbling on the few remaining leaves of a bush no more than a few feet from him. Steady on his paws, Blitz waited until the hare was distracted, and once the opportunity presented itself to him, the male struck. In a flurry of snow and speed, Blitz managed to grasp the hare by the skin on its back and flipped it into the air before it could tear itself away. In one quick snap of his teeth, he broke the creature in half and secured his meal.

WC: 321/2500
