
Tough Nuts



02-25-2021, 02:55 AM
He stood there for a few moments as he contemplated heading back to the pack with what he had, or if he should try to find more. Just as his cousin had said, the pack was full to the brim and one measly hare was hardly a meal for a couple of pups, let alone one. He supposed he could eat this one and try to find something bigger, but what if he didn't find anything else around here? Something was better than nothing right? Maybe he just had to widen his search a bit further, maybe check out Auster to see what he could find there. Surely there would be better opportunities and bigger prey he could bring back to the pack. Yes. That's what he would do.

Nodding to himself, he was about ready to execute his plan when sound caught his attention and a moment later, someone had approached him. Sir... there are a pair of wolves nearby nesting. They have a satchel with food and herbs in it. I was going to raid it on my own b-but I don't think I c-an." Blitz sized him up for a moment, a quizzical look in his eye. The guy didn't think he could take them on? He matched himself in height...he did sound like he lacked confidence, or maybe the other two were bigger and likely outmatched the guy. Blitz dropped the hare between his forepaws and licked his lips before answering.

"You are big guy, what is problem?" He asked with could be a trap for all he knew, but he was strong enough to fight and still close enough to his cousins pack that he could probably outrun them and make his escape...But...then again...he did say there was food in the satchel, no? Perhaps this could benefit him, too...then he'd have more than just a hare to show for his efforts today. "If you need help, Blitzkrieg help. But on condition that I get half of food from bag. I don't care about herbs, only food. Show me?"

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