
Put It On Me

Rekaru Island



Expert Fighter (235)

Master Intellectual (275)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf
02-25-2021, 11:20 PM

The man’s auds had twisted back to hear her words, his brows quirking in surprise. How had she not had tea before? Did they not usually have tea in Boreas? Back in Iga it was served at practically every meal, as natural as water to him. He couldn’t imagine life without it. “You’ll like it, I imagine. The kind I’m making is very popular where I’m from. It’s called Sencha,” he mentioned, the Japanese rolling smoothly from his tongue. “It’s a type of green tea and it tastes sweet, but not too much so, with hints of fruit and nuts,” he explained.

She asked if this amount of space was common in Iga and he gave a light chuckle along with a shake of his head. “Homes like this are usually reserved for the higher ranking members of the pack, particularly the Chief and his relatives. This is the main house, so it’s bigger than the rest, but I anticipate it won’t be empty too often. After all, I have you for company,” he said with a good natured, teasing wink.

The man’s ears pitched forward as she mentioned actually not having as much time to visit soon, his grin pulling down a little at the edges in disappointment. He had to say, he liked her company, but he understood why. It sounded like she was moving up in the ranks which would require more commitment on her part, to which he gave an approving nod. “I don’t doubt it, you seem capable of whatever you put your mind to. What does being a Reaper entail?” he asked. He had the general idea of what the concept of a reaper was, but he wasn’t in the Armada and, therefore, didn’t know what it entailed in a rank.

Talking, Talking in Italics means he's speaking Japanese