



09-15-2013, 10:58 PM

Oh how he wanted nothing more than to be back at the battlefield, tearing the red-faced woman?s arteries from beneath her flesh, watching proudly as she spluttered out before him. How had it reversed? How had she managed to do this to him, and all by chance? She didn?t deserve a victory, for she lacked the motivation and will so many others dared possess. She had started a war, her actions foolish, cheating. He would rip Valhalla apart as if his life depended on the packs downfall. His pride depended on it, and that was all the more important.

The strange male would seem to submit, to back quietly away, and although the albino much preferred he was entirely absent, his actions and speech were slightly reassuring. And so he would calm slightly, retreating back to the earth beneath him as his healer so insisted, though reluctant. A spluttered chuckle would attempt to leave his throat, interrupted and shaken by pain and anger, ?Your services would be more of use to the magpie leader after I rip her throat out from beneath her chin.? His words were cold, and every bit as honest as his hatred for the woman would so openly seethe his lips, ?And I promise her and her pathetic people that I will.?

Attentions would shift to Eris, proud of her efforts, though far too busy pondering the war that loomed them. ?The others, do they hold their own against the enemy? I can only hope one of them do what I have been cheated from,? he would splutter, coughing as he involuntarily breathed back on his own saliva. Revenge was near.