
Blizzard Wraiths [RAID!]



8 Years
Small species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31KBeeventTreat 2019
02-26-2021, 07:10 PM
Armando had accepted the news of a "raid" grimly. He'd told himself before joining that he would offer his services however and wherever the wolves needed him which did include fighting. While he was willing he would never be giddy over the prospect as he knew exactly what he was and what he would be up against. He was prepared, however. From his years as a brigand Armando had amassed a wealth of knowledge when it came to sedatives and poisons. Even though this thing was friendly he saw no reason to not use his darts as the wolves would be inflicting as much harm as, if not more than, he would with his sedatives. So after hearing about the event he'd set aside a small pouch of sedative and prepared his darts.

...and then promptly forgot them when the time came, only remembering their existence when he was already within sight of the "raiders". Balls. Next time, he told himself. He'd strap them to his back and carry them everywhere if he had to. At least he'd remembered his armor.

The first thing he did upon arriving was climb a tree. It seemed unlikely that the wolves, thinking they were fighting wolves, would look up. Once there he hunkered down at the base of a big limb and waited. Through the snow he could see the shadows of the wolves below and watched as one after another they paired off, but he couldn't bring himself to jump. This was a lot harder than he'd thought it would be. Jumping onto the back of a big thing with teeth was almost as foolhardy as running up to one.

His eyes fell on the muted figure of the horse. Armando was almost baffled by its inclusion and then he remembered that he was also here and had no grounds for surprise. A wolf fighting a red panda was ridiculous. So too was one fighting a horse. So why not put the two weirdos together and go for broke in the ridiculous department? His extreme diminutive size might help him here, as the horse would have to seriously rein itself in (pun definitely intended) to avoid hurting him in this friendly raidy thingy. No doubt the other side had been told to play nice too. Granted, there wasn't much he could do to hurt it either, but whatever. His was embracing the ridiculous.

Armando leaped from the tree aiming to land on the horse's shoulders. He intended to use his claws to hold on for dear life until he was confident in his balance. His knowledge of horses was limited to 'it has hooves' and 'it goes neigh' so he had no idea how stretchy its neck was and if it could reach its shoulders, but he was hoping not as he had no idea if he would be able to fend it off with the spikes on his harness.

Armando versus Tailsyn for Dominance
Round 1 of ???
Age: 1+
Size: Other species
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Spiked helmet
Defensive Battle Accessory: Spiked vest
Companion 1: Tufted Tit Mouse, Female - Battle
Skills: Intermediate Intellectual & Advanced Fighter
Specialty: N/A

Armando has a female tufted titmouse companion. It doesn't have a name because it's dumb and doesn't deserve one. Assume it's with him always.