
Lily Orchid


09-16-2013, 12:07 AM

OOC Name: Dragon
How did you get here?:

Character's Name: Lily
Age: 2
Season of birth: Spring
Size: 27
Appearance description: Lily is a small framed wolf that just reaches 27 inches in height, and weighs about 55 pounds. She has a slim body infused with lean muscle underneath a very soft and silky pelt. Her pelt shines in the moonlight, a beautiful and sleek glowing midnight black that often reflects the moons rays, giving her an etherreal appearance at night. Her eyes also glow a soft and ever curious light snowy blue color.
She has lighter grey markings around her eyes, much like a raccoon. Grey streaks about an inch under those markings with black separating them apart. This grey streaked pattern also fully encircles her elbows, lines the front of her ears, streams down her sides to separate the black of her top and underside. It also forms a downwards V shape on the first joint of her forelegs, and midway up her hind feet as well. Her hind feet have light grey "Sock" markings, lighter then the black that is on the rest of her body. The tip of her tail contains the grey that accompanies her other wonderful markings, covering almost half much like a foxes tail. The tail of this woman is another aspect of her is unlike many others. Instead of the normal bushiness of other wolves, hers is longer and feathery much like that of a horse. It too is as silky soft as the rest of her fur.

One secret of hers, is she has scars on her forelegs where her "Wrists" are. She does not show these to anyone except for those she can place her heart and trust in. These scars are never seen by any others asides from that due to the makeshift bandages she uses to cover them.

Duty: Runner

Note: Request for charrie slot has already been posted in the store.