
Blizzard Wraiths [RAID!]



Advanced Fighter (85)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut1KValentines 2020Trick 2019
02-26-2021, 11:33 PM
As they waited for Aurielle to begin the raid, Eligos was as tense as the rest of his pack, and he had to sharply remind himself that he had asked Aurielle not to tell him when the raid was so that he too would be taken by surprise. A pleasant side effect of having told Aerie of the impending raid was that many of the fighters had taken it on themselves to increase their patrols, and Eligos took care to work his and the malinois pair's patrols onto whenever there was no patrol. That meant he had already been out, and was sleeping off the long day in the snow while others patrolled, when Aurielle's howl woke him. He was instantly alert, though he groaned a little. Neither the ache in his head nor his body had lessened, but his eyesight was nearly as good as it had been before and was still improving, so he couldn't complain about the new aches and pains. Well, normally maybe. He could definitely complain about the aches and pains as he had to drag his aches and pains back oit into a blizzard. He quickly donned his armor - frowning a bit at how tight the helmet was feeling against his forehead, increasing the ache into a dull throb. Little did he know of the thickening skull and growing knobs beneath the skin...

Ignoring the vague increase in discomfort he started off towards the sounds of battle, Cypher and Kids falling in behind him a moment later. He paused as he approached the battle, peering through the blizzard to get an idea of who was where, and how everyone was doing. He hoped Riva had the healers setting up and ready for injured - fighting in a blizzard was going to increase the likelihood of someone making a mistake and badly injuring their opponent. It would be good practice for poor weather battle, but he worried for his pack nonetheless as he stood their getting a feel for the flow of the battle.