
We've come too far, can't back down now




7 Years
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Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipChristmas 2019Treat 2019
02-26-2021, 11:52 PM (This post was last modified: 02-26-2021, 11:53 PM by Gavroche.)
“You’re lucky, Gav…” The soft voice, almost like a whisper, came from the tiny bat near the young man’s ear. Jessie was a near constant reminder of what had nearly happened in Lyenne… though Gav understood she had just been terrified of what could have happened. What should have happened…

A shudder ran along the winged male’s spine as he glanced over his shoulder at the serious faced woman trailing behind him. She had become a protector of sorts, a knight in shining armor with more of a berserker mindset. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t grateful for Bellamy. A fellow Lyennian whom had been dragged back to their homeland for one purpose and one purpose only; execution.

Narcissa had made her position clear from the moment they were taken back what her intent was. His half-sister fully intended that they were both to be slain before the rest of the Kedieo Clan. But alas… things were not as they had been during Keno’s reign. Moral had fallen… those who remained were not in the greatest of shape and the guard did not appear all that thrilled with their new liege.

Gavroche could still picture that day clear in his mind…


“This monstrosity, a stain on our pure blood, must be slain!” Narcissa’s voice rose above the mass of wolves gathered below the altar where her mother once held ceremonies. Below her right forepaw was Gavroche. His wings were bound to his sides but even with them unbound it would have mattered little; heat exhaustion and lack of food or water had left little fight in the winged creature.

“You’ve been allowed to live far too long.” The woman above him hissed as she turned her fiery gaze on him. “But tonight, in the dying light, your life too shall fade!”

Gavroche didn’t speak, didn’t even look in Narcissa’s direction. His fear had faded to a weary acceptance; this time there wasn’t going to be anyone to come save him. Melanthios was dead, his mother and father were gone, and now… now…

“Are you going to listen to the words of a madwoman!? Are you not willing to listen to your own voices of reason!?” An angry voice suddenly cut into the air and made Narcissa tense above him.

Gavroche didn’t recognize the voice… but clearly Narcissa did.

“Oh yes,” Her voice was laced with sarcasm. “Listen to the call of a traitor, rather than their Queen? Please!”

Gavroche turned his gaze to see a wild looking female with a storm burning in her eyes. She wore a snow leopard cape around her shoulders and looked ready to fight… were it not for the leather being held by two of Narcissa’s guards around her neck.

“A Queen following the cruelty of the Empress before her!” The other woman roared. “How many of you were taken from your families!? How many of your loved ones killed all because the royal family declared it so!? Aren’t you angry?! Don’t you want to take your lives BACK!?” The dark furred woman snarled. “Stand! Fight! Or die forever on your knees!”


Chaos… that was all Gavroche remembered after that. Lyennian citizens fighting with the Kedieo family as Celeste only knew how much blood was spilled. Bellamy had broken away from the guards and flung herself straight for Narcissa. The fighting was brutal, the woman attacked by not just the Queen but those most loyal to her. But Bells wasn’t alone; a wolverine and badger came out of the brush like bats out of hell to aid her.

That night, as the moon rose into the sky, those of Lyenne celebrated their freedom by raising their voices to the moon. What had once been seen as differences between them were now celebrated, those divided by the royal family now united at last. Families, broken, could begin to mend again.

They had stayed in Lyenne long enough for Bellamy’s wounds to heal. During the process the woman said that she was to return to Boreas and, curious, Gav brought up his own adventures in the land. It turned out the two of them had more in common than they realized. They agreed to travel back to the lands together, to search for Acere and the pack he had led. Bells felt guilty for leaving them… and Gav longed to see the man again.

“They wanted you to remain as a symbol of their freedom too…” James trailed off for a moment. “Why didn't you stay? You could have, you know. You have nothing left to fear there.'

Gavroche flicked his ears back.

“Lyenne may be in my heart but it is no longer my home.” The winged male said softly. “And if anyone deserved to be recognized as that it’s Bellamy. She lived her life as a slave to my grandmother… lost everything…” He sighed. “She rallied them… if she hadn’t…” Gav looked skyward towards the night sky. “I’d be among the stars right now…”

Gavroche has one companion - a pygmy marmoset. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that he is close by.

As his mate and alpha, Bellamy is allowed in any of Gavroche's threads regardless of how they are marked.