
Shake it off and let's take a ride




Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
02-27-2021, 01:06 PM
Alright so, maybe she had looked the wrong way before… apparently heading around the lake had lead her to another area that Bellamy remembered from when she first arrived in Boreas. Though it had been much more lush, warmer, during that time. In fact there had been a lovely lightning storm… and there she had met a male almost as vulgar and rough around the edges as she herself had been. Heh, she wondered what the bastard was up to… she wouldn’t mind seeing him again. Or Sparhawk… It was funny, really, how she had come to like some of the residents of this land. And now that the Kedieo empire was officially in shambles she was truly free…

It felt strange.

Bellamy pushed onward, across the frostbitten foliage that lead the way towards the edge of the cliffs. She was no longer climbing in search of what had been there in the past but rather to see a new view… her new present, and to dream of the future.

“You’ve been quite quiet, Bells. Thinking a lot?” The badger at her side questioned softly.

Bellamy had almost forgotten that Whiskers had offered to come with her on this trip. She flicked an ear and then glanced down at the smaller creature with a frown.

“Y-yeah…” She furrowed her brow.

“It’s strange… after Narcissa fell… it felt like these invisible shackles were finally released from my body… it’s… odd…”

Whiskers chuckled softly.

“You found your true strength, Bells. It’s not a physical strength.” The badger stopped and looked up at her companion. “...and it’s been in you all along… waiting for you to reach in there and take it back.”

Bellamy stopped too… but she didn’t look towards Whiskers. Instead her gaze was on what lay before her; the edge of the cliffs and the ocean rolling on beneath them.

“I don’t plan on looking back, Whiskers. If this is the strength I needed then I will nurture it… get stronger. I won’t live like that ever again… and… if I can help it… neither will Gavroche.”

Whiskers shook her head with a smile. Bellamy was learning more about caring for others. She might not have been the perfect wolf for a pack before… but maybe now she’d have a chance in one. Trust was something that took time to build and she was starting to see what trust could get her.

A sound behind them caused Bells to turn, however, flicking her ears back as she bristled slightly.

Even if she was learning to trust… it didn’t mean she would let her guard down when approached from behind.

She spun around, fully expecting to come face to face with a stranger.
Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.