
Free Range Pup!



10 Years
09-16-2013, 01:36 AM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2013, 01:38 AM by Aures.)

If she hadn't been so heartbroken by being lost, then the reaction she would give the Alpha male would have been cute. She had heard the voice when her head was cupped in her front paws. At first, she didn't know what to do except slowly raise her crown and let her gaze do the same. Bi-colored orbs of red and blue met with the unfamiliar face...and she jumped. Odette was startled by both the voice and his physical presence, making her whimper as a slight drawback. For the first time in her young life, Odette was worried about what would happen to her.
Her fear didn't disappear until the words the stranger had spoken sunk in. With a timid stare, her ears twitched as another reaction and she looked at him as her safety was reassured in the borders of...what was it again? Valhalla? She had only heard stories of the faraway pack, noting how her parents had spoken of its leaders. Odette wondered if this male was one of those said leaders. Caution still showed in her body as her tense muscles slowly began to relax.
She then looked to the one side of the male and saw another wolf approach. She had a white body and a face that held a russet hue. Odette's ears flattened at her arrival, but the female's smooth voice also entrusted the safety that came once someone crossed the borders. She even mentioned that they would help Odette find her papa! If that wasn't trustworthy material, Odette didn't know what was.
She got over the urge to curl into a ball and hide, slowly rising to her paws and standing to her full height. Odette had her father's genes, making her tower at such a young age. She was just about a foot from meeting Gideon's eye level head on, but she was still at an impressive size for only being five months old. Looking at both wolves, she wiped the tears from her eyes with her right paw, but the streaks they left in her fur on her cheeks were still there. Odette sniffed before she softly said, "This is Valhalla?" Her head moved from left to right, her gaze moving along with it. "I had only heard a little about this place, but had never thought I would end up here.."
Odette's eyes then returned to looking at both wolves, obviously a pair, like Mama and Papa. Blinking away the bleariness that came from the recent tears, she looked at Chrysanthe and answered her question. "Yes ma'am, I have wandered far from home. Our den is at the beach, where the ocean waves hit the shore and I wake up every morning to it...It is a sight I wouldn't want to trade for anything in the world." Her tail began to wag as she continued to think of her home. "I told Mama and Papa I would be out conquering the world...I just didn't realize I would be going this far to try."
She wasn't sure if it was appropriate to introduce herself, especially to strangers of a different part of Alacritis. But then she thought of her meeting with Baskilisk back home, and she realized that it would contradict how she acted back then. Odette didn't want to be a troublesome child to the adults, so she politely dipped her maw and spoke again. "My name is Odette...I am the daughter of Ocena and Gargoyle." Blinking a couple of times, she looked into the eyes of both wolves. "May I ask whom you are?"

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