
Forgot Where I Put My Brain




Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (300)

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An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

8 Years

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Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - Pansexual1KBeeventDouble Master
02-27-2021, 08:32 PM
Come down, come down sweet reverence

Jynn laughed again as the woman, Sparrow, introduced herself in a round about way. She was funny! The woman explained that she was also exploring the continents though for the purpose of raiding and pirate stuff. Jynn wasn't too worried about running into a pirate since she had few belongings of significant value and besides, Sparrow seemed pretty friendly. Even if she wasn't, Jynn wasn't a push over in the battle department. Besides, how cool was it to run into someone with the same goals. "That's great! Say, do you want to explore together for a bit? I didn't get a chance to check out the cove before this island caught my attention." She'd planned to explore it on the way back.

Jynn leapt on top of a counter. To her it seemed a strange ledge, built again with perfectly straight edges and none of the rough surfaces of normal rock formations. She was really curious how the counter came to be and the buildings for that matter. What made them the way they were? Had to be something the human's had done. She was particularly fascinated by the glass. Reaching out she tapped at it lightly with her claws. It was like ice but not cold. She licked the glass. Hmm…. nope, not water.

Her ears twitched as Sparrow called out to her. She turned to see the woman posing with something weird on her head. "Fantastic!" Jynn leapt down off the counter and padded over to the pirate. "What is that thing?" She reached out and sniffed it. "It's… do you think it came off some weird animal?" It was like a hide but not quite.