
Kirsong Babies (3 available)



6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
02-27-2021, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 03-20-2021, 01:15 PM by Viper. Edited 1 time in total.)

Name: Onyx

Gender: Female

Size:  40 inches, medium build

Personality: Onyx though made of beauty and may even appear fragile, is far from a description of feminine past her silky shimmering exterior. As a young one, she wants to learn all things available to her and is very loyal to both her parents while having high expectations of herself regardless of how her parents may look greatly or poorly on her. She will probably hold more of a harsh attitude towards her siblings, at least in a more joking, bully kind of way. Still, for those of blood she would put her life on the line. Only in extreme cases of traitorous actions would she consider disowning one of blood to her.

When older, Onyx is very stern, nearly silent, and can have quite a temper and lack of patience for many things. It is easy for her to offend others whether intentional or not, but she has the skills of a warrior to back her up if needed. She is much more talk, or perhaps not so much "talk" for she speaks very little words, than bite but will definitely defend herself or lash out if annoyed enough. Her high expectations in her youth may simmer down in older age, for she won't care what others think of her and won't necessarily care to become high ranking inside the pack. It won't be something she will reject if offered to her, but she doesn't strive to be number one in ranks. Not to say she won't challenge someone for rank if she feels they are undeserving of it, or that they abuse their power or something related. Only to knock a jerk off their pedestal if anything.

Plans: She will fall under a chaotic neutral alignment, skills will be Fighting and perhaps Intellect. I'd like to start some drama with her honestly, more likely when she is older around the age of 2 or so. I'd love to get her some rivalries and maybe even live among some pack members as friend-emies she may fall under a sort of rebellious phase around a year of age but no intent to have her leave the pack or abandon her family since she feels closest to them mentally.