
as we collide


09-16-2013, 08:03 AM

The cream and cherry alphess' jowls released her shoulder in just moments, leaving a throbbing pain in their wake. Sendoa felt the woman recoil from her attempt at a half-blinding. It was a pity, really, but to be expected. Ruby droplets emerged on the top of Chrysanthe's muzzle as the Glaciem's weapons delved in to the thin flesh. However, she had no opportunity to take a firmer grip, as she would have wanted, and so she would seek a fresher target. It was not uncommon for one to recoil and then spring back, and the young queen seemed to have decided that was her best move. As she launched herself quickly and precisely, there was little for Sendoa to do but shift her own weight back and away - hoping to dull or nullify the damage being created. However, her own movement was just a half a second late as Chrysanthe's incisors blazed a trail in a sensitive and awkward area.

Their shoulders collided, but as the pale woman had moved back and forth much quicker than Sendoa could have anticipated, it did nothing more than cause a slight friction between the two titans. Through slitted eyes she would note Chrysanthe's positioning and her current hold on the flesh behind her shoulder. Head would snap to the left and shift downward, arching in such a manner as to keep as much security on her throat as possible. Jaws spread wide, her mark being the scruff of the Alpha's neck, though she wouldn't mind a blow as far down as between the shoulder blades. If she succeeded it would be a hold she wouldn't soon give up, though should the little devil queen choose to move again as she had done before and wrench her own flesh from the Glaciem's jaws she wouldn't protest much. Ears remained tucked to her skull tightly, almost seeming to not exist at all. Her tail swept to the right, as far away from Chrysanthe as she could manage to get it while still keeping her balance sure. Her weight would shift forward slightly and to the left, hoping to bump into Chrysanthe's cheekbone or the side of her neck in attempt to get her to loosen her grip. Her front left paw would move forward as she did so, hoping to keep her balance steady. Each leg bent slightly in effort to lower her center of gravity. Shoulders remained rolled forward, one still ebbing from the four puncture wounds left behind.

The searing pain on her side was more than she expected, but it wasn't something she couldn't handle. Still, a groan left her trachea, whilst a grimace painted across her face. It wouldn't be long now, one of them would have to give up soon - she just hoped it wouldn't be her.

Sendoa v Chrysanthe for Freedom

Round II of III

Attacks ~ Jaws aiming for Chrysanthe's scruff, weight shifting in attempt to bump into Chrysanthe and encourage her to release her grip

Defenses ~ Jaws wide, eyes narrowed, ears tucked, shoulders rolled, left paw forward slightly, legs bent, tail swept to the right as a counterbalance

Injuries ~ RI: four half-inch puncture wounds to the front of her left shoulder, R2: medium depth lacerations/puncture wounds on her side behind her shoulder and above her elbow, mild bruising on her shoulder where it met Chrysanthe's.