
Foot of The Cross


09-16-2013, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 09-16-2013, 09:25 AM by Karmen.)

For once in her life, Karmen was putting more attention into this conversation than herself. She gazed at the man beside her with hungry eyes: hungry for his future, hungry for the power he possibly possessed, and hungry for his entirety - his body heat and the lingering touch he could provide. She was in a pool of sinful desires and she welcomed the drowning. She merely grinned at him as he answered his own questions: she was concubine of corrupt cogency, a prostitute for the pernicious and damned, and a whore for the most wicked of them all. And why was she not recognized for such dastardly and damnable feats? Because she was beautiful, and beauty fools the mind.

"Purge?" she cooed to him, tilting her head and batting her lashes in false innocence. "The meek and impuissant have their place in their world. Why would I wish to rid of them when they make such tame chattels? They do not deserve to breed, but their repugnant genetics and inferior excuses for space can be put to use." She tried to trace her peachy nose along the side of his body, yearning to touch, lusting to breathe and familiarize his musk. She didn't even know his name and a part of her still couldn't muster enough to care.

She could see it now: riches and rarities from across the land, minions to cater and pamper her, a large and dark man to rule beside her. And they would be delirious together on top of a mound of bodies of those who tried to challenge their rule.


talking to you