
A Promise to Keep


09-16-2013, 09:32 AM

Walking into his new home, Dempsey kept his wits about him. No one here knew him yet and he did not smell like the land. Though he was sure Alena could fix that right away. He smirked to himself and his eyes twinkled. The prospect of raising pups was excited and nerve wracking all at the same time. On the one hand he was excited to play with them and teach them what he knew. On the other hand he was nervous he would do something wrong and mess up. He did not want to be that kind of step father.

Soon he caught Alena's scent and made his way towards where he thought she was. This would be odd for him. Dempsey was terrible with relationships. Usually he just didn't care enough to try. He preferred the one night stands, the Aspasia's of the world. This wouldn't be like that though. He had to at least act like he cared about these pups' mother as more than a play thing. They shouldn't be subject to his ideas of relationships just because he had never had a good one. They should grow up believing that there was such thing as true love and that that thing could be found. Dempsey had lost that thought process long ago. How could he possibly believe that true love existed if his own father did not even love him? He would have to have a talk with Alena about their new relationship. He wanted to know straight up what she wanted him to act like, and if he was to play the lover then she needed to know he meant nothing by it. Sure she was pretty, but Dempsey wanted nothing to do with being tied down.
