
Shake it off and let's take a ride




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-01-2021, 03:32 PM
The woman's comment that sometimes it was better that their companions don't talk much make the man give a soft snort of amusment and glance at his hawk who clacked her beak in annoyance towards him. "Stupid wolf" he heard Enzi mutter under her breath as he looked away and his tan lips twitched upwards. The bird was a gruff and sassy little thing but he knew Enzi adored him deep down. Drachen's dark ears twitched with slight interest when Bellamy said that her other companion was watching over another wolf though really that information was not really anything important, he still filed it away just in case. His oceanic blue eyes then traveled back to Whisker's as she told him the Bellamy had been here before, the mention of "that day" had his head tilting slightly to the side in question but he brushed it off. He was not here to pull information out of another wolf.

His claws clicked softly on the stone as he moved forward to the edge of the cliff, still a length or two away from Bellamy in respect of her space, and looked down at the foaming sea below. Had a storm been raging, he could have mistaken for this place to be the cliffside of his birthplace in Enterra. He shook his head when Bellamy's words almost completely mirrored his thoughts. "This place reminds me of the cliffs next to where I was born..." a dry chuckle left him as his face grew stern before he continued "If it was storming like you suggested, I would thought I had been transported back." He could almost still hear the way the wind screamed around him as he plummeted and feel the shock of the freezing sea water closing over his head when he fell into the sea.

This cliff was about as high as the one he jumped from and it was by sheer luck he had survived. "I still cant believe I didn't get shredded on the rocks." he said mostly to himself, his fur bristling slightly as it really came clear just how impossible it was that he was alive. Drachen blinked a moment later as if clearing the memory from his eyes and stepped away from the edge, now satisfied that it certainly was not part of Enterra, and flattened his fur. "Storms do have a unique beauty to them." he replied. He used to really enjoy storms but ever since that night if thunder cracked a certain way, he could almost feel phantom fangs scraping on his skin and taste the iron of blood on his tongue as he fought for his life.
Drachen has a female Red-Tailed Hawk companion named Enzi that is always with him unless otherwise stated