
We'll Go Up In Flames, And Down In History

Pack Meeting



3 Years

Pride - Demisexual
03-01-2021, 08:42 PM
The uneasiness around the pack since the last time they were called together certainly hadn't gone unnoticed by her and had caused her to withdraw from the others more than she already had. The violence and fighting that had taken place when Ignis took over the pack didn't sit well with the healer and she had slipped away from the group before it had all settled out. She hadn't thought about trying to leave simply because she didn't know where else she would go. Besides, even if she had wanted to leave, the idea of fighting for her freedom seemed preposterous for her. She was a healer through and through that was only just now beginning to rebuild her physique that had been so ravaged by the sickness she had as a child.

The call for a pack meeting pulled out of the room she had claimed for herself within the ship. It felt like she had sorted and resorted her collection of dried herbs again and again, but it kept her entertained for the most part and made her feel like she was keeping herself busy. She hoped that perhaps as long as she looked busy if someone walked by her room then they wouldn't bother her so that they wouldn't interfere with her work. She climbed up to the deck of the ship and made her way to the bow where some of the others had begun to gather, her amber eyes scanning over them as she settled by herself off to the side of the group. Finally she looked up to Ignis and sat while she waited for him to begin the meeting. She didn't know him very well - not that she really knew anyone in the pack well outside of her siblings - though she supposed that she had to admire how he went for what he wanted... even if she couldn't agree with the violence he had used to get it.

Walk | "Talk" | think