



03-02-2021, 01:00 AM

At the pallid wolf's lead, Azriel followed him through a copse of trees as silently as he could, each paw measured to ensure no step created any sound while they stalked closer towards their quarry. The wind was in their favor, keeping them downwind while blowing the leonine scent toward them so they could keep track of the lioness. Silver eyes peered through the trees and branches to watch the golden-beige fur by the river's edge, and once the two wolves were in position, the brute's mind began to plot. Would the stranger want to charge in and catch her by surprise in a brash violent attack, or would he want to risk attempting stealth on the cunning predator? His question was soon answered when the white wolf nodded and began a slow approach. Ah, so he was the sneaky type, eh? Azriel could appreciate that. Following behind his de facto leader, the two wolves gradually closed the distance between them and the apex predator. The lioness didn't seem to notice them—until she did.

At the last second, the lioness looked up, yellow eyes spotting the two wolves just as the stranger lunged for her, a feline roar breaking the peaceful silence when he grabbed her by the scruff. The lioness began to thrash and flail immediately, deadly paws of razor-sharp claws swinging in all directions. Azriel's mind began to simulate every possible outcome. He could also rush in to aid his companion, but those murder mittens gave him enough of a pause, and putting himself directly in their way didn't seem wise. He could also go for her opposite side, but those fangs snapping at the air also seemed like something he'd like to avoid. But if he circled around, he could get her hind legs, trapping them, immobilizing her. Azriel decided that was his best option and sprung into action, rushing around behind the other wolf until he lunged forward and grabbed the lioness by her hind legs, teeth sinking into her flesh. The lioness roared in pain and tried to squirm free, but the two wolves were holding her securely.

Unfortunately for them, the lioness managed to get one of her hind legs free from Azriel's grip, kicking those clawed paws out and catching the brute in the face. Azriel yelped in surprise, just managing to avoid getting claws in his eyes and instead taking a kick to the bridge of his snout. He felt the claws tear through his skin and he reflexively released the lioness' leg, giving the lioness the leverage to throw the white wolf off of her, taking a swipe at the other wolf's face with her claws before taking off through the forest, blood dripping from her hind leg while she fled at impossible speeds. Azriel snarled in frustration, pressing a paw to the stinging cuts on his muzzle to find he was bleeding. Fuck... That was a stupid idea... He glanced over at his companion, caught between wanting to chastise him for just rushing in when they were caught and wanting to see if he'd gotten caught by those claws as bad as he had. "You hurt?" he called over to the other male.

"Speech" | Thoughts