
Pointing Blame




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
03-02-2021, 02:37 AM

Ulric ducked to the side as his son lunged toward him, the lanky boy clearly not invested in the lesson though seemingly still trying to participate at his father's insistence. Since he was trying to give Ezra a realistic fight, he immediately hit his shoulder against Ezra's, knocking the boy off balance and causing him to tip over his own feet, sending him tumbling to the ground. Ezra sighed and started to get up while Ulric waited on him with a frown. "You need to move faster than that. If this was a real fight I'd be able to go for your stomach already."

"Why does it matter?" Ezra shot back just as he was getting back on his feet, scowling at his father.

Ulric's frown deepened, his brows pulling together with irritation. "You need to be able to protect yourself and your family. You know that." He wanted each of his children to be able to protect themselves, but so far Ezra seemed to be the only one that showed any sort of interest or aptitude for fighting. Fihona and Emile both certainly seemed to be taking to healing while he might be able to make a hunter out of Jane.

"Why? You "protect" us, right? That really helped mother and Everlyse, didn't it?"

His son's words felt like they hit him in the gut as he gaped at Ezra, torn between anger and guilt as the boy turned the situation back on him. Ezra spun around and took off into the trees with the eagle he kept around screeching over head and flying after him over the tree tops. "Ezra!" he called out, taking a couple steps toward the trees before stopping with a heavy sigh, gaze falling toward the ground.

Turning back toward the castle, he walked across the training area he had been working on creating in a portion of the grounds, stopping at a resting place near the storage that was nearly complete so he could slip out of his armor. He dropped the pieces to the ground before sitting back heavily on his haunches, turning his gaze back up toward the sky, a frown still creasing his expression.

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