
somebody's watching me


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Legendary
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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
03-02-2021, 05:16 PM

For a long and lingering moment the stranger said nothing but it wasn't an awkward or unpleasant silence. If anything it filled Hanako with a delightful, honey sweet sense of satisfaction as she got a good and proper look at her. And even as naïve as Hanako could be even she could tell that she liked what she saw, a lot. Too many people tried to hide their true thoughts and in doing so side stepped stroking Hanako's ego. It was a silly thing, selfish really, to get all petty over but given how badly she'd been treated of late it was just nice for someone to finally see her true worth. Hanako had settled for way too long, gotten all dusty and rough around the edges worrying over boys. Stupid ones at that.

See, not only did the sense of power and confidence lure Hanako in but her boldness worked it's magic too. She was tired of talking in circles and moving things at a snails pace, Hanako was a woman of immediate gratification and it seemed as though they shared that in common. She claimed that she liked to kiss pretty girls and Hanako's gaze flickered to the dark of her lips, it was... despite the blush that speckled her cheeks pink, tempting thought. She'd never been kissed before but she'd thought about it a lot, daydreaming and fantasying about the perfect setting and lead up. But it seemed right, almost poetic, that a pirate would steal it and claim it as their own. Beyond Sparrow's striking face and clever eyes, Hanako liked the drama of it and the cheesy pick up line that followed suit.

"Hmm. a pirate King then it only seems right for you to steal a kiss." She said, the blush remaining as she tried to keep her voice cool and casual. She almost couldn't believe what she was saying as she looked up through her pale lashes, seductress she was not but it felt kinda good to try."Or more. Just so we're even."
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