
Pointing Blame




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
03-03-2021, 02:12 PM

He hadn't expected her to agree with him that he was bad company of course, she was far too kind for that. But when she responded to tell him that she disagreed with the statement, he glanced toward her and their gazes caught for a moment. He couldn't quite read her expression, but it was enough to catch his attention and notice the way she broke away from his gaze, a subtle flush peeking through her pale fur. It wasn't the sort of reaction he was expecting even though he really hadn't expected much of a reaction at all and it took his thoughts in a different direction. Luckily, she was quick to answer his question before he could ponder the moment too deeply.

The change in her tone was obvious and made him even more sympathetic for her situation. He couldn't imagine having to leave his children, but he knew that The Hallows was pretty much at the capacity of wolves they could support so another litter of pups would have strained the pack as a whole. Part of him wanted to ask why she hadn't decided to move to Abaven to be with them, but it felt too much like prying into her personal life. If she decided to share he'd listen, but for now he didn't feel like poking into a part of her life that seemed to bother her. Besides, the last thing he wanted was for her to feel like he wanted her to leave.

"Well... For what it's worth, I'm glad you're still here," he replied after a moment, giving her another gentle smile. He realized after he spoke and his eyes met hers again how it might sound, making him glance away again with a shy flick of his ears. Suddenly feeling like he needed to be busy with something he got up again, moving into the storage shed so that he could put his bracers on the shelf under his armor and start rearranging some of the straw dummies inside. He didn't turn his back to her though, instead making sure that he could at least see her in his peripheral vision. "Do you... Is their father with them?" he asked curiously, for some reason feeling strange referring to the nameless male as her mate. Perhaps it was because he knew the back story with at some one of the males in her history, but he couldn't really decide why he felt the need to hedge around the word.

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