
There are thoughts in every little stone



09-16-2013, 02:58 PM

Rivaxorus yawned as Kurai showed up at her side with two mice in his jaws. The fox gave a chuckle as he began to dig into their flesh bugging the larger canine next to him. "Can you eat any louder Kurai?" She asked the red fox, her eyes looking over him. The fox flicked his tail happily and shook his head. Making Riv smiled and take in a large sigh. She couldn't blame the fox for wanting to enjoy his meal, but at times it felt like all he wanted to do was bug the crap out of her in the first place. The girl rolled her eyes and looked away. She had been relaxing near one of the sheds in this old place. While she had never met a human she had heard plenty of stories about them and even seen an old photo. It was weird how they could do such things and even humans looked weird as well.
Rivaxorus was relaxing because the past few days she had spent looking for her lost kin had made her sore. Although it simply meant she had been over working herself as usual. When she used to do it, Denki would be the one to tell her to stop. Kurai was here to do that now. While he wasn't a wolf Riv wasn't picky with creatures when it came to friends and family. After all her mentor had been a white tiger.