
Where is the line



7 Years
Chrono I

03-04-2021, 03:09 AM

Her gaze stayed on Ulric as he entered carefully, her outward appearance inviting more than anything else. She had only shaken her head to his worried question, not going through the detail of her own lack of sleep. While her gaze turned to look back out the window as he did, she found herself lingering back to his form, but comfortably looking away just before he went to peek at her. A hum in her throat as he mentioned the beach. It was after all a big factor in her choosing.

As he spoke again with an unsure voice on his reasoning for coming to be with her, her eyes looked to his givingly, and not in the slightest way would it appear to reject the way he may have felt. She rose to all fours, taking almost a careful step closer to him, enough for a heavy spark of lust to drag if he chose to feel it, but enough space where he wouldn’t feel trapped or that he could make his own decisions. It wasn’t Aranea’s intention, even in the moment to pull Ulric in to her. Though it seemed while she came across different males within the last year she craved their attention more than was necessary, though this time with the circumstances of Ulric it dragged out a bit longer while they lived side by side. "Ulric," her voice almost gentler than his through the silent halls of the castle, "I understand, the castle can be cold and lonely when you don’t have anyone beside you." while Aranea felt this perhaps a bit stronger than others in The Hallows, she missed her children and the warmth and care Allegro gave her. And it seemed most had someone  caring or to cafe for given the amount of children tuning around. It was a constant reminder of what she was missing back in Abaven. It was hard to ignore the harsh feelings, but there wasn’t anyone to share her own saddened emotions with, at least until now it seemed.

She had kept her distance from him fair, her darkened fragile frame close enough to him that her nose had to reach up towards his own to make eye contact, but a glimmer in her eyes more than inviting to a dance through touch with her. Wouldn’t she feel devastated upon his rejection, though not that she made it entirely clear that she wanted him to come in and share his warmth.

Walk "Talk" Think

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead