
Where is the line



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
03-04-2021, 10:43 PM

Ulric's ear twitched at the slight sound of movement, bringing his attention away from the window and back to the woman in front of him. Silver eyes connected with blue as she took a step closer to him, the look she was giving him wiping away his tangled thoughts and putting a whole new kind of conflict in its place. The deeper, more primal cravings sang through and tried to over power his own objections. It became very clear in that moment why his sleep deprived mind had pulled him here despite the emotional turmoil and grief he was still processing. Her words echoed his sentiments and he started to see that there was a hole in both of their lives, a hurt that they don't share with others - until now. Her children and their father a great distance away, his mate missing and children that were feeling more and more disconnected from him as time went on. This painful loneliness was something they both experienced... something they could fix.

Besides that one step closer to him she left that gap between them, her gaze inviting him closer and drawing him in. There was a conflict and a guilt that still twisted in his stomach, but there was also a deep seated desire for some kind of relief. He had reached a point where he either needed to find an outlet for what he was feeling or he was going to break. This was his tipping point. There was a heavy moment of hesitation as his gaze searched hers even though trying to sort through his thoughts was like trying to see through mud. He quietly rose to his paws and took another step closer to her, now peering down into the clear blue eyes of the far smaller wolf in front of him. He bent his head down toward Aranea's hesitating just shy of his muzzle touching hers.

It felt like something magnetic was pulling him in and after another heart beat of resistance he finally let himself give in. He gently brushed the side of his muzzle against hers, his eyes closing for a moment as he shifted closer and let his scarred cheek lean into hers, his ears flicking back and brows pulling together. Feeling another's touch was almost overwhelming in a way he hadn't been expecting. Her lightly floral scent filled his nose as pressed his face into the fur on the side of her neck. It was like giving an addict the thing they had been craving the more he let himself indulge in her presence.

After a few moments he finally allowed himself to pull back enough to be able to open his eyes and let his gaze find hers again, searching them as if he just needed to confirm to himself that this moment was real and he hadn't been misreading the signs that she had been giving him. Eventually he sank down next to where she had been previously laying and looked to her in a similar way to how she had looked at him - inviting her closer to join him against his side.

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